Success Stories

Success Stories

Success Stories

Browse success stories from across the country to learn how apprenticeship has changed the lives of many workers and how employers have benefited from apprenticeship. 

Showing 54 of 62 Results

Andrea Johnson

Trained to Lead, Equipped to Succeed

Apprenti helped Andrea obtain the hands-on experience and training needed to kickstart her career.
Boatworks 101 Apprentice

Boatworks 101 Brings All on Board for Apprenticeship

Through the youth apprenticeship Boatworks 101, the whole community receives the opportunity to train as a marine maintenance technician.

Registered Apprenticeships Open Doors to Dream Careers

After some labor market research and career exploration, Karen identified a goal: to pursue a career as a digital marketing specialist.
Velex team

Powering Progress and Empowering Registered Apprentices

Velex has built mentorship and Registered Apprenticeship into the DNA of their organization.
Marisol Santos

Launching an American Dream with an Apprenticeship

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Marisol Santos crossed the sea in pursuit of her American dream.
Brianna Crusoe

Developing a Life-Changing Career in the Trades

Fourth-year electrician apprentice Brianna Crusoe raves about how a Department of Labor grant helped her develop a life-changing career.