Success Stories

Success Stories

Success Stories

Browse success stories from across the country to learn how apprenticeship has changed the lives of many workers and how employers have benefited from apprenticeship. 

Showing 48 of 62 Results

Apprentices Thrive in Manufacturing

Apprentices Thrive in Manufacturing

Nicole DeFuso and Nikki Miller are changing the course of their careers while learning valuable skills.
Sayer Hendrickson

First Cybersecurity Apprentice Graduate in Wyoming

Sayer Hendrickson, the youngest apprentice in CyberWyoming’s Department of Labor approved Cybersecurity Technician Registered Apprenticeship
Brent Trankler

Gain Real-World Experience through Registered Youth Apprenticeship Programs

Brent Trankler's expertise and industry-relevant classroom lab have allowed many students to have successful careers upon graduation.
Adrian Image

Find a Clear Pathway to Career Growth through Apprenticeship

At the age of 20, Adrian is pursuing his career in semiconductor manufacturing by growing his skills through college and apprenticeship.
Bahati Eleson

Making an Impact through Apprenticeship

Bahati set three goals for her life in the United States: to gain higher education, improve her life, and give back to the community.
Sherman Partap

Pivot Your Career Through Apprenticeship

"At 50 years old, I wanted my next 20 years of work to make a difference and to be something that I am passionate about."