This page provides key statistics on apprentices by fiscal year (FY) (October 2014 through January 2025). Currently, the page includes data through 1/31/2025.
Note: Data will be updated monthly. If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Interactive Apprenticeship Data
This includes state and national program data entered or uploaded into the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS).
Frequently Asked Questions
States overseeing Registered Apprenticeship programs have the opportunity to provide notes on their data in the table below. If you are a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) lead and would like to add a note for your state, please email
State Note Connecticut The Connecticut Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship Training does not utilize RAPIDS at this time. Required data will be reported by CTDOL/OAT to USDOL in the next quarter for Connecticut Registered Apprenticeship programs and apprentices registered in those programs. The CTDOL/OAT does not currently collect data on individuals with disabilities. Other categories reported for the veteran status, industry, occupation, and union data elements may not be an accurate representation of Connecticut's current data. Please contact the CTDOL/OAT for further assistance.
Delaware State of Delaware Registered Apprenticeship data prior to 2021 (Legacy) is unavailable at this time. Statistics based on legacy data are available by contacting the Delaware Department Of Labor. Maryland The Maryland Department of Labor's Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL) does not utilize RAPIDS at this time. Required data will be reported by DWDAL to USDOL in the next quarter for Maryland Registered Apprenticeship programs and apprentices registered in those programs. The DWDAL does not currently collect data on individuals with disabilities. The DWDAL has official data, including the most comprehensive data on veteran status, industry, occupation, and union data elements for Maryland. Please contact the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program by email at or by phone at 410-767-2246 with questions.
New York New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) does not utilize RAPIDS at this time; data is reported by NYSDOL to USDOL at a point in time for NYS Registered Apprenticeship programs and apprentices registered in those programs. Depending on when the data is collected and reported, it may not be equivalent to the data reported on NYSDOL’s website. NYSDOL does not currently collect data on individuals with disabilities or apprentice education level; and the categories reported for the veteran status, industry, occupation, and union data elements may not be an accurate representation of NYS’s data.
Pennsylvania For the most up to date resources, information, and statistics on apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship in Pennsylvania or if you wish to get started building a program, you may reach out to the Pennsylvania Apprenticeship and Training Office (ATO) by email at
We have separated the apprentices by apprenticeship status:
- New Apprentices: New apprentices are those who began an apprenticeship during the selected time period.
- Active Apprentices: Active apprentices were participating in an apprenticeship during the selected time period.
- Completer Apprentices: Completers are those who completed an apprenticeship during the selected time period.
To view average wage information, hover over any bar in a bar chart or a state in the Continental USA map. A pop up will appear with the information. Wages reflect the average of the wages for the specific filters selected (i.e., race, gender, ethnicity, industry, occupation, state, county, etc.). To strengthen data quality, a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and maximum wage of $150 an hour has been implemented. Wages below $7.25 an hour or above $150 an hour are excluded from the calculation. Active and New apprentice wages are calculated using the starting wage, or wage when an apprentice begins an apprenticeship. Completer apprentice wages are calculated using exit wage, or wage when an apprentice completes an apprenticeship.
To select multiple states in the continental United States, hover over the map and hold down the Control [Ctrl] button on your keyboard. While holding the Control [Ctrl] button, click on the states you would like to view. The State & County list will filter on those states. The rest of the dashboard will also update to filter on only information from the selected states. You can also select multiple states in the State & County list by holding down the Control [Ctrl] button and clicking on multiple bars and/or state names in the state list. Follow the same process to select multiple counties. The rest of the dashboard will update to filter on only information from the selected states or counties
Data is available at the national, state, and county-level. To see county (or county equivalent) information, click the County button. A list of counties will expand under each state. To switch back to a State only view, click the State button. Only counties with apprenticeship data will display in the list.
Note: County-level data is not available if you display Apprentices by State Workload
The map includes State Data from the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS) and data uploaded by State Apprenticeship Agencies (SAA) states. Data is available at the national, state, and county level.
The data in the map is refreshed monthly.
The Office of Apprenticeship has access to individual level data from the 43 states that used the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System (RAPIDS) for case management. The remaining 10 states and territories were State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) states that chose to manage their own statewide registered apprenticeships and use their own performance system. While those states were still required to submit quarterly data to the Office of Apprenticeship, it was aggregate level data which did not include demographics, industries, occupations, and other useful information. The Office of Apprenticeship also only received aggregate level apprenticeship data from the Department of Defense for the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), the largest Registered Apprenticeship program with over 100,000 active-duty service members.
To have a complete and accurate picture of the entire National Registered Apprenticeship System, the Office of Apprenticeship created a SAA data portal that allowed the remaining SAA states to quickly and easily transfer non-PII, individual level data into RAPIDS, including demographic data. Due to the success of the SAA portal, OA data cleanup efforts, and robust technical assistance with the states, RAPIDS now captures individual record data from all states and USMAP.