Registered Apprenticeship is an evolving workforce solution to meet industry needs and create a skilled workforce that meets the demands of the changing American labor market. The Office of Apprenticeship (OA) helps potential and current Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) sponsors develop, launch, and implement programs in multiple industries including healthcare, cyber security, information technology, transportation, financial services, advanced manufacturing, hospitality, telecommunications, construction, and energy.
Grants issued by the U.S. Department of Labor are designed to support apprenticeship expansion and strengthen the Registered Apprenticeship system. The following grantee results reflect the most complete performance information reported for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 for active grants within Program Year (PY) 2023.
The following grantee results reflect the most complete performance information reported for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 for active grants within PY 2023.
In 2022, the Department awarded more than $171 million for the first round of the Apprenticeship Building America (ABA1) grant program to 39 grantees, to expand, diversify, and strengthen the Registered Apprenticeship system. The ABA grant program advances the Department’s efforts to 1) expand and modernize Registered Apprenticeship by increasing the number of programs and apprentices, 2) diversifying the industries that use Registered Apprenticeship and 3) improving the access to RAPs for underrepresented and underserved communities. Funds were awarded across four categories. Below are names of the grant categories and the grant type reflected in column four of the Dashboard. Grantees that are not included in the dashboard may be focused on capacity building activities and may not have participant activities to report. The Department will continue to work with grantees to ensure they are reporting in accordance with their award and outcome goals.
Category 1: State Apprenticeship System Building
and Modernization.
Grant Type: State
Category 2: Expansion of Registered
Apprenticeship Program Opportunities for youth.
Grant Type: Youth
Category 3: Ensuring Equitable Registered
Apprenticeship Program Pathways through pre-apprenticeship leading to
RAP enrollment and Equity Partnerships.
Grant Type: Pre-apprenticeship
Category 4: Registered Apprenticeship Hubs
facilitate the establishment, scaling and expansion of RAPs in new,
emergent industries and occupations.
Grant Type: Hubs
Categories 1, 2 and 3 are designed to serve participants, while Category 4 is designed for capacity building. The goals of capacity building grants are to:
Develop partnerships with industry, education and the workforce system to build the foundation for the apprenticeship system to serve registered apprentices in the future.
Advance initiatives that increase access to pre-apprenticeship and RAPs for underrepresented populations and underserved communities.
Work with industry to create and expand multi-employer RAPs on a local, state, regional, and/or national scope.
Categories 1-3 participants include both pre-apprentices and apprentices. The “participant” category shown in the table below includes both types of participants.
In 2024, the Department awarded nearly $195 million to 43 grantees for a second round of grant funding under the Apprenticeship Building America program. Data is not yet available for this program and will be provided in the next annual iteration of the dashboard.
Category 4 grantees, operating as Registered Apprenticeship Hubs (aka, Hubs), focus on capacity building, therefore, they do not serve participants. However, Hubs are allowed to have “reportable individuals”, registered apprentices that benefit by expansion and/or system building. Reportable individuals benefit from the existence of the grant but do not receiving any grant-funded services. Since they do not receive grant-funded services, reportable individuals are not included in performance outcomes.
In 2024, the Department awarded nearly $195 million to 43 grantees for a second round of grant funding under the Apprenticeship Building America program. Data is not yet available for this program and will be provided in the next annual iteration of the dashboard.
The U.S. Department of Labor awarded nearly $66 million in State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF) Grants to 46 states to increase their ability to serve, improve and strategically expand their Registered Apprenticeship programs and pre-apprenticeships leading to Registered Apprenticeships. These awards include annual formula funding to 46 states and territories and additional funding to seven states committed to expanding RAPs within their state for in-demand industry sectors such as advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, infrastructure and clean energy, education, care and others. The State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula grants will help states embed innovation, inclusion, job quality and sustainability into their state-based Apprenticeship systems and create new opportunities for expansion across a wider range of industries. Grantees that are not included in the dashboard may be focused on capacity building activities and may not have participant activities to report. The Department will continue to work with grantees to ensure they are reporting in accordance with their award and outcome goals.
The Base Formula Funding option has a grant Period of Performance (POP) of 12 months. Base Formula grants are considered capacity building. Under capacity building, reportable individuals benefit from the existence of the grant but do not receiving any grant-funded services. The goals of capacity building grants are to:
Develop partnerships with industry, education and the workforce system to build the foundation for the apprenticeship system to serve registered apprentices in the future.
Advance initiatives that increase access to pre-apprenticeship and RAPs for underrepresented populations and underserved communities.
Work with industry to create and expand multi-employer RAPs on a
local, state, regional, and/or national scope.
In 2024, The Department awarded nearly $89 million for a second round of grant funding under the State Apprenticeship Expansion Program. Awards include annual formula funding to 46 states and territories and additional funding to 9 states committed to increasing sustainability and substantially increasing the total number and diversity of Registered Apprentices and RAPs within their State. Data is not yet available for this program and will be provided in the next annual iteration of the dashboard.
The Competitive Funding option has a grant POP of 36 months. Competitive grants have participants including both pre-apprentices and apprentices. The “participant” category shown in the table below includes both types of participants.
In 2024, The Department awarded nearly $89 million for a second round of grant funding under the State Apprenticeship Expansion Program. Awards include annual formula funding to 46 states and territories and additional funding to 9 states committed to increasing sustainability and substantially increasing the total number and diversity of Registered Apprentices and RAPs within their State. Data is not yet available for this program and will be provided in the next annual iteration of the dashboard.
In partnership with the National Urban League, TradesFutures leads a coalition of community partners to develop a unified strategy that creates a gateway for women, people of color, veterans, Native Americans, justice-involved individuals and other people from underrepresented communities to access and succeed in Registered Apprenticeship programs (RAPs). The goal of the Scaling Apprenticeship Readiness Across the Building Trades Initiative is to substantially increase the number of participants from underrepresented populations and underserved communities in registered apprenticeship programs within the construction industry sector. Through a cooperative agreement with the Department, this project leverages a unique and proven apprenticeship readiness curriculum (Multi-Craft Core Curriculum or MC3) for construction trades, a dynamic partnership model, and the ability for national reach for union placement opportunities for program graduates.
As of June 30, 2024, participants remain in the TradesFutures programs. There are no reported WIOA employment and earning outcomes yet because participants have not exited the program. Participants must “exit” the grant for exit-based performance outcomes to be reported.
The WIOA Performance Indicators are:
Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) performance indicator data is limited as of this reporting period because employment and wage data require the collection of social security numbers (SSNs) which can be problematic for some grantees to obtain. While state grantees have access to their states’ unemployment insurance (UI) agencies for wage and employment data, non-state grantees do not have this access. To obtain wage and employment information for these grantees, SSNs are collected to be utilized under a wage match agreement between the Department and the State of Kansas. Generally, grantees collect SSNs through an intake process; however, due to the nature of registered apprenticeship grants, grantees may not have direct access to participants. The Department also encourages grantees to develop relationships with grantees and sponsors for assistance with participant data; however, many are reluctant to forward PII for use by another entity. Other challenges of SSN collection involve youth participants where grantees’ interpretation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines do not permit them to collect SSNs. In addition, other non-state grantees follow instructions from their State’s which may demand that they not collect this information.
To help grantees overcome this and other data collection issues, the Department will provide more technical assistance that will help grantees with the collection of SSNs, as well other post-exit performance indicators such as credential attainment and measurable skill gains.