- Standards Builder Walkthrough
- Registered Apprenticeship Standards
- Occupations and Approaches of Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Creating and Implementing Affirmative Action Plans
- Understanding Davis Bacon
- Service Excellence: Providing Quality Customer Service in the Registered Apprenticeship Ecosystem
- Fact Sheet on Quality Pre-Apprenticeship for Registration Agencies
- Supporting Sponsors in Meeting Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Requirements
- Meeting EEO Requirements through Affirmative Action Programs
- EEO Requirements for Registered Apprenticeship Programs with Five or More Apprentices
- Providing Reasonable Accommodations
- Expanding Outreach and Recruitment
- Contracting to Support Registered Apprenticeship
- The WIOA Credential Attainment Rate & Longer-Term Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Reciprocity in Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Working with Multi-State Navigators
- OA Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Files | Salesforce Libraries
Registering an apprenticeship program is now easier than ever. This Module provides a Step-by-Step demonstration on how to utilize Standard Builder to create Standards of Apprenticeship. With standards builder you can quickly customize and register a program in a single centralized place.
This module covers the labor standards for the registration of apprenticeship programs as outlined in 29 C.F.R. Part 29.5. It explains the Apprenticeship Standards outlined in the federal regulations and identifies resources that are available to help develop Registered Apprenticeship Standards.
This module identifies and defines the three training approaches to Registered Apprenticeships and elaborates on how occupations and time frames are selected for registered apprenticeships. It also explores examples of Registered Apprenticeship programs and the impacts on business.
This learning module explains how to create Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs) and implement them in Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs. The module also presents case studies of RA programs that successfully implemented affirmative action efforts and how their programs have benefited.
This microlearning introduces the Davis-Bacon Act and the impact of its standards on registered apprenticeship programs. Designed to be completed in 15-20 minutes, the training aims to clarify what is required to uphold Davis-Bacon standards in registered apprenticeship programs. The module includes relevant scenarios and guidance for working with partners to implement standards.
Quality customer service is critical to expand registered apprenticeship and reach registration agency goals. This course explores important concepts in customer service, and leaders from registration agencies provide their perspectives on how to best support registered apprenticeship customers. You will also find practical tips for managing competing priorities and opportunities to apply the information you learn to realistic customer scenarios.
This fact sheet offers registration agencies a brief overview of guidelines for quality pre-apprenticeship program issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. It also addresses the registration agency’s role in enabling quality pre-apprenticeship and outlines the benefits.
This module provides guidance for registration agencies on meeting their own EEO requirements and supporting sponsors in meeting their EEO requirements.
This module reviews EEO requirements for all RA programs. Registration agency staff provide guidance on these requirements to sponsors.
This learning module discusses the additional Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements for Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs with five or more apprentices.
This module describes reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities and provides specific examples of reasonable accommodations in different industries and occupations. The module also addresses how to collaborate with the Office of Disability Services.
This module discusses how to create successful outreach and recruitment plans to reach apprentices.
This module for registration agencies demonstrates how to access different Federal funds to support registered apprenticeship. In this 15-minute video, multi-state navigator, Maria Brady, highlights when to utilize contracts to support registered apprenticeship instead of Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). The video also describes different contracting possibilities that sponsors, and registration agencies can utilize to support registered apprenticeship as well as describing the relative efficacy of on-the-job training (OJT) policies for registered apprenticeship program funding support.
WIOA-funded service providers should not be hesitant about supporting longer-term Registered Apprenticeship programs due to perceptions of negative outcomes associated with the WIOA Credential Attainment Rate (CAR). This short presentation addresses interim credentials and industry-recognized credentials that count positively towards the CAR. Please select the link to view Office of Apprenticeship (OA) Circular 2016-03 and OA Bulletin 2010-19 referenced in the video. To read a report on background of the workforce system’s baseline knowledge of RA, please visit: Workforce System Registered Apprenticeship Baseline Knowledge Assessment Report.
This module offers an overview for SAAs regarding their responsibilities in ensuring reciprocity for apprentices, apprenticeship programs, and standards registered in other states by the OA or a Registration Agency. The presentation provides background information on the concept of reciprocity, details on its implementation through a "petition for reciprocity," and illustrates how reciprocity operates within the Louisiana (LA) SAA, as an example. Select the link to view Louisiana’s Reciprocity Paperwork.
This link is a set of step-by-step instructions to help staff carry out routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output, and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication. Reviewing and employing SOPs is a foundational element of effective program operations. NOTE: you must have access to the OA SharePoint site to view this folder.
The link will direct you to the Salesforce Libraries, a repository of content, such as documents, images, videos, and presentations. NOTE: you must log into Salesforce in order to access the Resource Library.
Contact us with questions or for more information at raacademy@dol.gov