About Us

Our Team

The Office of Apprenticeship promotes and helps employers and other organizations develop quality, accessible Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for workers seeking higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs and organizations seeking to build a qualified workforce. The Office of Apprenticeship oversees the National Registered Apprenticeship System, which involves employers, industry associations, labor, education providers, Apprenticeship Industry Intermediaries, State Apprenticeship Agencies, and other Registered Apprenticeship stakeholders and sponsors. There are Registered Apprenticeship experts in every state who are available to assist organizations interested in developing and maintaining Registered Apprenticeship programs as a recruitment, training, and retention tool to build a quality workforce. They also connect organizations to educational and other training providers, help create a sustainable pipeline of talent into their organization, and advise partners on available funding sources to support apprenticeships. 

Registered Apprenticeship is a workforce solution that is evolving to meet industry needs and create skilled workforces that meet the demands of the changing American labor market. The Office of Apprenticeship helps potential and current Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors develop, launch, and implement programs in multiple industries including healthcare, technology, transportation, financial services, advanced manufacturing, hospitality, telecommunications, construction, and energy. 

A core component of the Office of Apprenticeship’s work is ensuring all Americans have access to Registered Apprenticeship opportunities.

Download our fact sheet to learn more about our team and what we do.

Learn more about the differences between the Office of Apprenticeship and State Apprenticeship Agencies.

National Office

Our people based in Washington, DC

Regional Offices

Our people representing six regions across the U.S. 

State Offices

Our people representing all U.S. state and territories.