A valuable resource for apprenticeship program sponsors, the Universal Outreach Tool provides an online mechanism for finding candidates for apprenticeship. This tool can help sponsors comply with the universal outreach and recruitment requirements of the apprenticeship EEO regulations. These requirements, which apply to all sponsors, include developing, and annually updating, a list of recruitment sources that will generate referrals within their recruitment area; identifying contacts at each of these sources; and providing these sources with advance notice of all apprenticeship openings.
By following these steps, sponsors can build their lists of recruitment sources.
Step by Step Instructions
Select either “Radius” or “State” from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the tool, to determine the search area. If searching by “Radius,” enter the sponsor’s street address into the search bar, and select the desired search radius from the drop-down menu. If searching by “State,” select the sponsor’s state from the drop-down menu.
Note: Radius options range from 25 to 500 miles from the sponsor’s location. Select the distance most closely equivalent to the area from which you usually recruit or could recruit apprentices.
- Press the Search button.
- Zoom in (using the + icon) or click on clusters to identify individual organizations.
- Individual organizations are identified by a red marker with an arrow.
- Click on each individual organization displayed on the map for details and contact information.
- When the search has identified all available sources, select Export, which will save the information in a file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel.
- Use the information on the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to contact the organizations and request their help in recruiting apprentices.
- Call the contact shown on the spreadsheet to ensure that the organization is an appropriate recruitment source and to request its help in recruiting apprentices.
- Refer back to the Universal Outreach Tool as needed, to identify additional organizations whenever the program is recruiting apprentices, and at least annually, to maintain a current list.