IT’s Non-Traditional Apprenticeship…

Event Details

Host Organization:

Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT)



Host Org. Industry(s):


Event Description

Join Philadelphia Alliance for Capital & Technologies (PACT) and the Pittsburgh Technology Council as they host several Pennsylvania legislative leaders; Lt. Governor Austin Davis & DCED Deputy Secretary for Technology & Entrepreneurship, Jen Gilburg, employers from Philadelphia & Pittsburgh area and leadership from Pennsylvania Labor & Industry Department highlighting the importance of IT non-traditional apprenticeships in PA and the support from the Administration and Legislature to grow this important pathway for PA residents into high paying careers. A proclamation proclaiming 11/14/23 is PA’s IT Non-Traditional Apprenticeship Day will also be presented. #nationalapprenticeshipweek2023 #techapprenticeshipspa #paitapprenticeships #phillypactitapprenticeships #ptcitapprenticeships