K12 Educator Apprenticeship Program & Digital Equity Funding

Event Details

Host Organization:

National Collaborative for Digital Equity



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Event Description

In this session, we will explore opportunities for NH's USDOL-registered K12 educator apprenticeship program to leverage federal digital equity funding to NH to strengthen this program's capacity to prepare future educators to ensure all their future K12 students enjoy digital access, develop essential digital skills (digital, media, information and financial literacy, cybersafety skills, and skills using AI safely, effectively and ethically), and that these future educators know how to facilitate online and hybrid learning, and meet the needs of today's students (unprecedentedly diverse, growing up in poverty, tech-savvy, device and social network-addicted, prey to cyberbullying, and in dire need of media literacy skills). Leaders of K12 educator apprenticeship programs nationwide are most welcome to join us, since every state is receiving substantial four-year federal digital equity grants, starting in 2024.