Center Workforce Council Meeting

Event Details

Host Organization:

Tongue Point Job Corps Center



Host Org. Industry(s):

Construction | Healthcare | IT/Cybersecurity | Building Construction Tech, Carpentry, Cement Mason, Glazing, Electrical, Plastering, Painting, Welding, Dental Assistant, Certified Medical Assistant, Computer Service Tech,

Event Information:

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Event Description

The council meeting will be from 9:30am to 3:00pm and will include:

  • A majority of the workforce council members must be business owners, chief executives, or chief operating officers of nongovernmental employers, or other private sector employers who have substantial management, hiring or policy responsibility and who represent businesses with employment opportunities in the local area and the areas in which students will seek employment.
  • The workforce council may include, or otherwise provide for consultation with, employers from outside the local area who are likely to hire a significant number of students from the Job Corps center.
  • The workforce council may also include members of applicable local boards, provided they meet the requirements described above.

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