Group of professionals standing in front of NAW 2024 Logo

National Apprenticeship Day 2025

This past fall marked the 10th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week! Thanks to partners like you, there were over 2,500 events and proclamations in all states and several territories! Since the inception of National Apprenticeship Week, literally thousands of events have allowed countless individuals to learn about the life-changing impacts that Registered Apprenticeship has had and continues to have for so many jobseekers and employers. 

We have moved National Apprenticeship Week to the spring in response to stakeholder feedback. To adjust to this new calendar shift, this year we are celebrating National Apprenticeship DAY on April 30, 2025! The week-long celebration will resume in 2026:

  • National Apprenticeship Day: April 30, 2025 
  • April 26-May 2, 2026
  • April 25-May 1, 2027
  • April 23-April 29, 2028

What is National Apprenticeship Day?

National Apprenticeship Day is a nationwide celebration where ApprenticeshipUSA partners - employers, industry representatives, labor organizations, community-based organizations, workforce partners, educational institutions, and federal,  state, and local government agencies and more - host events to demonstrate the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship for strengthening our economy by developing a highly skilled workforce to meet industry needs, creating pathways for career seekers to catapult into good jobs. It is the ideal platform to demonstrate the unifying power of the ApprenticeshipUSA ecosystem by uplifting examples of partnership and collaboration.  Note that similar to other years, events do not need to fall exactly on National Apprenticeship Day to be added.