Pre-apprenticeships: A Path to Success for English Language Learners

Event Details

Host Organization:

AMBE-Advanced Manufacturing Bilingual Educators



Host Org. Industry(s):

Advanced Manufacturing

Event Information:

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Event Description

This presentation will explore the benefits of pre-apprenticeships for English Language Learners (ELLs) and how to remove barriers that impede their self-empowerment. Attendees will learn about the resources available to support ELLs in pre-apprenticeships. Who should attend: Employers who are interested in hiring ELLs through pre-apprenticeships. Workforce development professionals who are interested in supporting ELLs in pre-apprenticeships. Why should you attend: To learn about the benefits of pre-apprenticeships for ELLs? To learn about the resources available to support ELLs in pre-apprenticeships.