Apprenticeship Job Fair

Event Details

Host Organization:

PA CareerLink Erie County/Oil Region



Host Org. Industry(s):

Advanced Manufacturing | Construction | Transportation | Healthcare | Education | Utilities | General - Workforce Development | IT/Cybersecurity | Corrections

Event Information:

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Event Description

This event is designed to bridge the gap between local job seekers and employers offering apprenticeship opportunities, fostering career development and growth within the community. "The PA CareerLink® hosting the Apprenticeship Job Fair is a great opportunity to bring together local talent and employers in the NW workforce area. Apprenticeships are a powerful tool for workforce development, and this event will showcase the numerous opportunities available right here in our community. Learning about the career options that apprenticeships open up as an Earn to Learn model makes this fair a great opportunity for job seekers from youth to adult", said Dr. Miller, Executive Director of NWPA Job Connect, the workforce development board. Apprenticeships are a proven pathway to a successful and rewarding career. They provide individuals with hands-on-experience, valuable skills, and industry-recognized credentials, all while earning a competitive wage.