Case Studies

Dr. Schneider Automotive Systems

Organization:Dr. Schneider Automotive Systems

Benefit:Positive Impact to Your Bottom Line

The Russell County Kentucky labor market was not supplying enough skilled labor, and Dr. Schneider looked to develop the talent it needed while also strengthening the local labor force. The Tech Ready Apprentices for Careers in Kentucky (TRACK) initiative, an existing pre-apprenticeship program, provided the local support needed to get Dr. Schneider’s apprenticeship program off the ground. TRACK provides a well-defined local pool of candidates at Lake Cumberland Area Technology Center and the local high school. Dr. Schneider has measured lower recruitment costs for apprentices and estimates that it costs them 20 percent more to recruit employees off the street.

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce and Case Western Reserve University. (November 2016). The Benefits and Costs of Apprenticeship: A Business Perspective.