Employers in the construction sector face complex workforce challenges in an increasingly competitive domestic and global market. Registered Apprenticeship is a proven solution for recruiting, training, and retaining world-class construction talent in quality jobs. In 2024, there were over 451,000 apprentices served in the construction industry, a 22% increase over the past 5 years.
"Construction Registered Apprenticeship is the gold standard in job training. These quality programs not only get employers the high-skilled labor they need; Registered Apprenticeship also gives people employable and deployable skills to feed their family and maintain their place or achieve their place in the middle class. These programs ensure the quality of construction and the safety and security of the construction workforce, strengthening every community across the country where these workers reside and are needed. These programs help recruit, train and retain workers through progressive wage increases; apprentice-to-journeyworker ratios that promote safety; quality assurance assessments by the government; uniform standards; mandatory safety training; instructor eligibility requirements; and transparency requirements. It’s the most proven career pipeline for tomorrow’s workforce."
Sean McGarvey, NABTU President
High-Demand Apprenticeship Occupations

- Bricklayers
- Carpenters
- Electricians
- Plumbers
- Operating Engineers and Equipment Operators
- Cement Masons
- Painters
- Sheet Metal Workers
- Roofers
- Insulators
- Ironworkers
- Boilermakers
- Elevator Constructors
To explore more apprenticeship occupations in the Construction and skilled trade industry, view our Occupation Finder.
Construction Industry Resources
- Construction Apprenticeship: The "Other Four Year Degree"
- Helmets to Hardhats
- National Center for Construction Education and Research – Curricula and Assessment
- Construction Industry Competency Models
For more resources, program examples, and marketing materials, go to the Construction Community of Practice page.
Disclaimer Statement: Construction resources and speaker presentation content in slide decks and recordings do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the federal government.